How to Cum from Anal: Get the Most out of Anal Play

Best tips on how to come from anal: anal stimulation methods, positions, and toys to use
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Last updatedLast updated: November 10, 2024
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You must have heard a lot about how anal sex is pleasurable, but what’s the point if you don’t get an orgasm? Many people who practice anal play struggle to achieve orgasms because they mostly do something wrong. If you’re among those looking to learn how to cum from anal stimulation, you’ve come to the right place for help.

This article will discuss the steps you should take to be in the perfect position for anal orgasms. It will also mention the best toys you can employ for pleasurable anal stimulation and the best positions that guarantee anal orgasms.

Can’t wait to start cumming from anal stimulation? Ride with us as we tell you how to cum from your ass.

Can You Orgasm from Anal?

There’s the popular—and wrong—belief that you can only orgasm from penile, vaginal, or clitoral stimulation. Far from it! Not when the anal canal, including its entry, is filled with sensitive nerve endings. When you try harder and touch the right places with the right things, you can achieve orgasm from anal stimulation.

So, back to the question; can you cum from anal, or can you orgasm from anal? You can, and there are several ways to explore anal stimulation to stand the perfect chance for orgasms. Rest assured, this article will cover everything you need to learn how to achieve anal orgasm.

What is anal orgasm?

Now that we’ve explained that you can orgasm from anal, we bet the burning question on your mind is, “what is an anal orgasm?” An anal orgasm pretty much explains itself; it’s the kind of orgasm you get from anal stimulation. And anal stimulation involves various parts of the butt.

So, you can experience an anal orgasm from stimulating your anus, butt cheeks, prostate (if you have one), rectum, and entire butt area. Such stimulations can include licking and penetration, amongst others. As long as you can reach the sensitive nerve endings around the booty area, you have a great chance of achieving an anal orgasm.

Don’t be surprised to learn that most anal players have probably never experienced an orgasm from butt play. Regardless of the numbers, the reality is that it’s possible—but tricky—to achieve an anal orgasm.

With the knowledge that anal orgasm is possible, it’s up to you to pursue it with the right moves. As promised, we’ll explore various effective moves later in this article.

How Long Does It Take to Cum from Anal?

There’s no straight answer regarding how long it takes to cum from anal. The time-frame depends on each individual. For example, some people have said it takes about 20 minutes to 1 hour to achieve a butt orgasm. And some can’t cum from anal before 30 minutes of stimulation.

Therefore, it’s up to you, the positions, and the toys you use how long it will take to climax from anal stimulation. Another important factor is foreplay. If you do a lot of foreplay before practicing anal sex, there’s a great chance that you’ll cum in less than 30 minutes. Ultimately, how long does it take to cum from anal? No definite number. It’s up to your mental state and touching the right places properly.

Who Can Cum from Anal?

It’s no secret that men and women practice anal play/sex, so it’s not out of place to wonder whether both genders can cum from anal stimulation. We have answers for you below.


Everyone with a butt can practice anal play, including men. Now, can men cum from anal stimulation? Yes, they can. And the best way to get anal orgasms for men is to stimulate the prostate.

Men are generally born with a prostate—a walnut-sized gland that sits around two or three inches inside the butt—which is a pleasure zone. This gland is surrounded by nerve endings that feel climatic when touched properly. Also known as P-spot or the male G-spot, the prostate is also where the body produces semen during ejaculation.

So, it’s easy to guess that this spot is made for pleasure, thanks to its many nerve endings, as we mentioned above. However, you need to be able to touch the prostate to stimulate it properly. While you can do it with your finger, your best bet is a prostate massager because it’s designed to target and reach the P-spot. If you’re using your finger, push up toward your belly button to find the spot.

Moreover, you can still stimulate the prostate without getting your finger or a toy inside your bum. You can stimulate it externally via the perineum—the skin patch between your testicles and the anus. Caress the perineum, and you’ll find yourself stimulating the P-spot, thus setting yourself up for an enjoyable male anal orgasm. This option is quite attractive for skeptical people who don’t fancy direct touch.


As we hinted in the previous section, only men or persons assigned male at birth have a prostate. That means women or persons assigned female at birth do not have a prostate. So, what do they have to do to achieve a female anal orgasm if they don’t have a prostate? That’s what you’re about to find out.

It’s general knowledge that women have the G-spot inside their vagina, which many have described as the most pleasurable part of their vagina for orgasms. As you can already guess, the G-spot is a part of the vagina—not the anus.

You cannot stimulate the G-spot anally, but interestingly, there’s another spot in the vagina that you can reach through anal play. That spot is the A-spot.

Known as the anterior fornix, this spot sits deeper inside your vagina than your G-spot. The implication is that you can reach it through your anus, around five to six inches in. Just like men’s prostate, women’s A-spot boasts a lot of nerve endings that can deliver exceptional pleasure when you touch them properly.

Additionally, the woman’s anus is filled with sensitive nerves, including the pudendal nerve, which is a part of a woman’s vulva and near the sphincter. A great session of rimming can stimulate the pudendal nerve quite well, increasing the chances of anal orgasms. Clearly, there are opportunities for women to achieve anal orgasms when they target the right spots.

How to Give an Anal Stimulation

Now that you know how much pleasure you can get from anal stimulation, let’s discuss how to do it with various methods.


When people hear anal stimulation, the first thing that comes to their mind is anal sex. In reality, anal sex is not all there is to anal play. In fact, it’s only one of the methods of anal stimulation. So, you can stimulate your partner’s butt or have them stimulate yours without actual penetration. Rimming or rim job is an effective method to do just that.

This method is all about getting your tongue to work. It’s the direct opposite of cunnilingus—performing oral sex on the clitoris or the vulva. Instead of your partner eating your pussy or sucking your dick to please you, rimming makes them eat, lick, suck, and eat your butthole. Of course, you must be very clean down there to pursue rimming for your partner’s safety.

Besides your tongue stimulating your butt’s sensitive nerves, rimming enhances intimacy between you and your partner. Let’s face it: it takes a lot of affection and trust to lick someone else’s anus. Without question, a rim job is a pretty effective method to get kinky and exciting anal pleasure.


It’s impossible to discuss how to cum from anal stimulation or how to cum from anal play without involving fingers. The first thing you think about when you hear or see “finger” or “fingering” is someone stimulating the vagina. But no rule says the fingers are only good for vaginal stimulation. Essentially, you can use your fingers to explore anal play.

In fact, they are the best tools for beginners who want to start their anal journey with less intimidating options. With fingers, you have small, not-too-big, not-too-small, and not-too-thick options. Plus, they are in different sizes. Here’s how to cum from anal fingering: go from one size to the other. Also, depending on your progress, you can move from using one finger to two or three at once.

Furthermore, fingers are incredibly flexible. So, they give you much control over what you do with them. You can control them according to how you feel and withdraw them immediately if you need to. Despite fingering’s low intensity, it’s still pleasurable. Fingering is how to cum from anal masturbation.

So, you can always count on it as a great option. Even expert anal players can find fingering pleasurable for anal play. It’s a cheap option if you don’t want the extra expenses of toys. For great anal fingering sessions, never go straight to penetration. Instead, start by massaging around your rosebud to get yourself ready for penetration. That’s the way you get aroused.

Once ready for stimulation, don’t insert your finger(s) without applying some lubricant to ensure smooth entry and penetration. With your fingers inside, you can make a lot of moves, such as thrusting, turning your hand, and using your thumb to play with the perineum, which also boasts its own nerve endings.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that you shouldn’t finger your butthole with long fingernails. The anal walls are quite fragile and vulnerable to cuts from fingernails. So, we strongly recommend trimming your nails, wearing a medical glove, or wearing a condom. Wearing a cotton ball at the tip of your fingernails can also help if you don’t want to trim them.


Fisting is another sexual act commonly associated with vaginal penetration, but it also works for anal penetration. No doubt, this act is more intense than fingering. Instead of using only a finger or a few fingers, fisting uses all the fingers, including the whole hand, to penetrate the asshole by thrusting or turning the fist. Frankly, not many sexual acts can get more intense than that.

Besides, fisting is not an anal stimulation method that you rush into. You need a lot of practice and expertise to get there because your butthole needs to expand much wider to contain a fist. It should go without saying that fisting is not for beginners; it’s for experts with a lot of experience practicing anal play.

Before letting your partner fist you, have them clean their hands properly and apply plenty of lube to enhance the experience. Additionally, such a lube must be specifically formulated for fisting. If you’re struggling to find a suitable option, there’s no shortage of options on our list of the best lubes for fisting.

Moreover, if the idea of fisting fascinates you and you want to train your asshole for it, a few tools can help you. Anal stretchers are prominent among such tools because you need to stretch your butthole well for any chance of fisting. Thankfully, we’ve reviewed the best anal stretchers on the market, and you can find a suitable option on the list.


Think about pegging if you’re wondering how to give an anal orgasm. This anal sexual act requires a couple to switch roles. Specifically, pegging makes the woman wear a strap-on dildo to penetrate the man’s butt. That’s how to cum from anal as a guy or how to cum from anal sissy.

So, if you’re up for pegging, have your partner wear a strap-on dildo and let them penetrate your backdoor with it. Of course, you must have trained your butt for anal penetration before considering pegging.

Besides, there are various suitable toys for pegging, but the common ones are a harness and a dildo. The harness can be a strap-on or underwear-style, and the dildo can be in a specific size and design. You can buy a kit with everything you need or separate pieces. Of course, buying a kit makes life easier for you, but it might not be flexible enough for you.

In contrast, buying separate pieces lets you choose the designs and sizes you want without settling for whatever you get in a kit. So, we recommend buying a dildo and harness separately to get the best of both worlds. Regarding buying a dildo, check out our list of the best anal dildos to find the highest-quality options to attach to your preferred harness. Your choice must have a flared base that can attach to a harness.

And if you prefer a strap-on kit, go for it, but be careful which product you choose to get the best value for your money. According to many reviews, the Tracey Cox Supersex Strap-On Pegging Kit seems to fit the bill. It comprises an adjustable harness, a bullet vibe, two dildos, and three O-rings of different sizes.

The harness is adjustable up to 65 inches, while the dildo boasts a hypoallergenic design and a suction cup base for hands-free fun. Also, the bullet vibe offers seven functions, and the detachable Outings are compatible with various toys.

Double penetration

If you’re a big fan of porn, there’s a good chance you’re no stranger to the world of double penetration, also known as DP. It’s a common feature in anal scenes. In case you have no idea what DP is, it basically means the penetration of a person (generally a woman) in their vagina and anus simultaneously.

Although the DP scenes in porn usually involve a threesome, you don’t need to involve a third party to practice the act. Of course, there’s nothing wrong if you’re open to adding a third party, but you’re not obligated to.

If you and your partner don’t fancy letting someone else in your sex life and you want to practice DP, get sex toys! You can fill your partner’s vagina with a vibrator while you penetrate their butt simultaneously. It doesn’t get DP more than that. It’s worth mentioning that women generally feel fuller when their holes are stuffed simultaneously. Hence, the extra stimulation adds more pleasure to anal sex.

Moreover, you don’t need a partner to experience the fun of DP. You can opt for an anal dildo (with a suction cup) that sticks on the ground or the wall. Then, find a high-quality vibrator with exciting vibration patterns. It’s a good thing there’s an abundance of such high-quality vibrators on our list of the best anal vibrators.

Once you find a suitable vibrator, insert it in your vagina and turn it on. Then, guide your butthole to the dildo you’ve adhered to the ground or wall. Start pushing your butt in and out of the dildo while the vibrator vibrates inside your vagina. Alternatively, you can have an anal vibrator in your bum and ride a dildo into your vagina on the floor.

Anal sex

We’ve discussed different variations of anal play, and now is the time to talk about the most popular of them all; anal sex. It is the ultimate anal penetration between a couple. Essentially, anal sex involves a penis owner using their dick to penetrate their partner’s butthole. This sexual act is as old as time.

While some people in ancient times used anal sex as birth control, others used it to preserve female virginity. Today, people still use anal sex for these purposes, but it has become much more popular and widespread for pleasure.

According to a study, 44% of men and 36% of women aged 24-44 in the United States have had heterosexual anal intercourse. And there is evidence that HAI’s prevalence may be rising Trusted Source Prevalence and Correlates of Heterosexual Anal Intercourse among Men and Women, 20 U.S. Cities - PMC Heterosexual anal intercourse (HAI) is not an uncommon behavior and it confers a higher risk of HIV transmission than vaginal intercourse. We examined data from heterosexuals recruited in 20 US cities for the 2013 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system. in recent years.

Likewise, 6.2% of men aged 18–44 in the US Trusted Source Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Orientation Among Adults Aged 18–44 in the United States This report provides national estimates of sexual behavior, sexual attraction, and sexual orientation among women and men aged 18–44 in the United States, based on the 2011–2013 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). have had homosexual anal intercourse, and that percentage is rising. So, anal sex has become mainstream, and you can have a great time practicing it with your partner. Do it right with great preparation, and you’ll likely experience anal orgasm. That’s how to cum from anal only.

How to Stimulate Anal

Now that you know how to make a woman cum from anal or how to make a guy cum from anal, it’s time to learn how to stimulate anal. That means the sex toys you can employ for anal stimulation.


A dildo is unarguably the most popular sex toy for anal play you’ll find out there. It generally sports a great design that mimics an actual penis. So, there’s always a feeling that the toy can replicate anal sex. We recommend anal dildos because they are specially made for anal use. So, their designs are targeted at stimulating the A-spot, P-spot, and other pleasurable anal spots.

Additionally, anal dildos generally feature a flared base, which is important for safety. The base ensures that a dildo does not get sucked in your ass. That’s some feature to prevent an embarrassing visit to the ER. Ultimately, invest in a high-quality dildo that has satisfying designs and dimensions. That’s how to cum from anal dildo.

Butt plug

A butt plug is another vital tool for anal stimulation. In case you’ve never seen one before, it typically sports a teardrop shape and a wider base that keeps your butt from sucking it in. The plug tapers from its tip for smoother insertion and gets wider at its body to fill you up.

Besides, the butt plug is similar to a dildo in that both are designed to be inserted for stimulation, but the former is usually shorter. Also, the plug is meant to be plugged inside your butt, as its name suggests, not for thrusting. While you can only use a dildo at home, you can wear an anal plug in public, and people won’t know a thing.

Although the butt plug is more popular for practicing anal play than it is for anal stimulation, it promises plenty of pleasure, especially if you use the vibrating variant. The vibrating plugs promise extra stimulation, and you can expect anal orgasms from them. Additionally, females and males can use butt plugs since everyone has an abundance of nerves in their backdoors.

Anal beads

Anal beads are exactly what you think they are; a string of different-sized beads designed for anal stimulation. While these beads enter the butthole like butt plugs, they’re not meant to stay in a place like the plugs. The anal beads stimulate the sphincter muscle’s sensitive nerve endings when you pull them out.

Speaking of pulling out anal beads, you do them slowly and gently, like “POP-POP-POP.” With each “POP,” you stimulate nerve endings in a certain area, which can feel very pleasurable. If you have no idea where to find effective and safe anal beads, our list of the best anal beads is tailor-made for you; you’ll find some excellent options.

Prostate massager

As we mentioned before, a prostate massager is designed to stimulate the male’s P-spot. From the toy’s unique design, you can tell it’s designed to target a spot. Of course, women can also use it, but it’s specifically designed to seek out, target, and reach the hidden P-spot. Frankly, you can’t do that effectively with fingers or regular dildos. So, you need to count on the prostate massager for anal orgasms.

Thankfully, there are some really reliable prostate massagers on the market that many users have found super helpful. The LELO Loki prostate massager is one of such highly-rated products. It boasts a broad, curved design that pleasurably and expertly massages your P-spot. This massager also sports a perineum stimulator for extra stimulation. Plus, it has ten stimulation settings you can explore for incredibly pleasurable sessions.

Another impressive option is the Aneros Helix Syn Trident prostate massager, which is true to its name. It offers three arms—one stimulates the P-spot, and the other two arms pleasure the perineum. The toy’s rounded, bulbous tip ensures easy insertion, and its firm, angled shaft provides precise stimulation. Ultimately, you’ll have to decide whether you want a vibrating massager like the LELO Loki or a non-vibrating variant like the Aneros Helix Syn Trident.

How to Make Anal Pleasurable

It’s no secret that anal play can be painful sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be when you make the right moves. Below, we’ll discuss how to make anal pleasurable for you.


If you’ve watched a lot of porn, there’s a good chance you’ve got the wrong idea that your saliva is enough for anal sex. Don’t practice that idea because porn does not paint the full picture.

In reality, porn stars use lubes for anal scenes, but the scenes where they apply them are often cut. So, you also owe it to yourself to use lubes for smooth anal sessions./wpmfc_cab_ss]

Besides protecting you from irritation and small tears in your butthole lining, lubes also heighten the sensations. Their wetness ensures smooth penetration and movement in and out of your asshole, thus creating pleasurable sensations. Frankly, you can’t use too much lube for anal play.

So, we recommend plenty of them for all your anal sessions. It’s NOT optional. Apply lube outside your butthole, inside your anus, and on your partner’s penis or sex toy. That’s how to cum from anal sex!


This is very important: Don’t start an anal play when feeling anxious and tense. That feeling might extend to your anus, making it less accessible and welcoming to any penetration. So, you must relax and prepare your mind for what is coming.

Calm your nerves. Don’t think about how painful the experience will be. Rather, think about how pleasurable it will be: what you’re thinking in your head matters. Once you get yourself in the right frame of mind for an anal invasion, you’ll be surprised at how fast your rectal orgasm will come.


Communication is key when performing anal play with a partner. Before you start the session, discuss your expectations and your limits. If your partner does the penetration, tell them how much stimulation you can take. For example, if they’re fingering you, you must tell them how many fingers you want inside. You also have to tell them whether to thrust or twist the finger(s) inside.

Essentially, you must be clear about what you want and can take so that your partner doesn’t cross that thin line between pleasure and pain. Once you start the anal play, you must keep communicating; tell them how you feel without any iota of shyness.

That helps your partner deliver the right rhythm, pressure, intensity, depth, and strokes. Communication also enhances relaxation as you know you’re in control of the action and your partner is listening.

Turn on a favorite movie

Another way to have a pleasurable anal session is to watch your favorite anal porn videos. These videos can arouse you and help you get in the right mood for anal play.

Train first

The butthole is not the vagina that self-lubricates or opens easily. The asshole requires lots of practice to open up for whatever action you want. So, don’t hesitate to train your sphincter to be receptive to strangers such as the penis, fingers, and sex toys. The best way to start training is to buy yourself anal training kits. We’ve reviewed some of the best anal training kits on the market. So, make your pick.

Use douche

Another difference between the butthole and the vagina is how they clean themselves. While the vagina cleans itself Trusted Source The care and keeping of your vagina | OHSU Facts about vaginal care and vulvar health from an OB/GYN. , the butthole needs you to clean it. Although warm water and soap are enough to clean your butthole, you can get the best result from douching. Don’t know where to find a douche? Find a high-quality product on our list of the best anal douches.

Breathing techniques

Have you noticed that your anal muscles respond to your breath? You clench the muscles involuntarily when you hold your breath and brace for impact. So, we advise that you learn breathing techniques that can help you keep your anal muscles relaxed as you breathe. Once your breathing is good, your anal muscles are relaxed, and your partner can penetrate you easily.
Of course, that enhances the pleasure and increases your chances of a butt orgasm.

Try various positions

Lastly, don’t limit yourself to a position when practicing anal sex. Trying various positions opens you up to plenty of pleasure possibilities. Don’t know a lot of positions? The next section will explain a lot of options.

Best Positions to Have Butt Orgasm

You can’t have an ass orgasm without using methods that suit your mood. Hence, we’ve decided to explain the best anal positions so that you can explore and choose from plenty of options.

1. Lotus

If you’re thinking about how to make her cum from anal, use the Lotus anal sex position. Sit on the bed or floor and cross your legs. Then, have your partner sit on your lap and put their legs around your hips. Next, raise their body slightly to insert your dick inside their anus. Now, let your partner ride you in that position.

2. Cowgirl

Lie on your back as the one with the dick or strap-on. Then, bend your knees slightly, have your partner straddle you, and slowly slide your penis into their asshole. Now, they can leave forward and ride your dick or dildo. The cowgirl position is another style that gives control to the rider.

3. Doggy style

The famous doggy style gives little power to the receiver; the giver, if that’s you, is in control. Your partner gets on all fours, either on the floor or on the bed, while you enter her butthole from behind. The penetration in this position gets to the vital nerves, and you can expect an anal orgasm.

4. Missionary

The missionary position is probably the oldest style in the world, and it’s known for its simplicity. Have your partner lie on their back on a sofa or a bed. Then, climb over them and insert your dick in their butt. Then, start thrusting to hit the sensitive nerve endings in their backdoor for powerful orgasms.

5. Cross

Have your partner lie on their stomach with their butthole exposed. Then, lie over them in a slant position so that you’re making a cross shape. Ensure that your dick is positioned directly on your lover’s butt. Insert it and thrust till both of you finish.

6. Jockey

The jockey anal sex position puts your partner on their stomach, and they must close their legs together. Then, it requires you to straddle them on your knees and lie over their back. Next, put your dick inside your lover’s anus and thrust in and out of them. Place a pillow or wedge under their crotch to slightly raise their ass into the air for easier penetration.

If you can’t find a suitable pillow or wedge, you might fancy the Liberator Sex Position Wedge, which many users have described as helpful. It offers a 27-degree angle of elevation to allow deeper penetration into the places that can trigger anal orgasms.

7. Yogi

The Yogi position requires you to sit on the floor or bed with your legs crossed. Then, have your partner sit on your lap and wrap their legs around your waist. Next, get your dick inside their butt. Now, you should rock together with your bodies very close, looking into each other’s eyes passionately. Without question, this position enhances intimacy.

8. Spoons

The spoons position works just like it sounds. It requires you and your partner to lie on your sides while you face the same direction. Enter your partner’s butt from behind in this position and start thrusting. This position is another that allows the dick or dildo to reach various nerve endings that can trigger an anal orgasm.

9. Standing doggy

The standing doggy position is the traditional doggy style in a standing pose. You and your partner have to stand facing the same direction. Then, bend them over and hold their hips as you penetrate their backdoor. Maintain your standing position, and you’ll achieve deeper anal penetration that can deliver orgasms.


We’ve discussed many topics that address how to have an anal orgasm or how to cum just from anal, but there’s a chance you still have questions. We’ll answer some common and important questions below.

Is anal sex always painful?

No, anal sex is not always painful. Of course, you might feel a bit uncomfortable initially, but you will experience pleasure with time if you train first and use plenty of lube.

How does anal orgasm feel like?

It’s tricky to say how exactly anal orgasms feel because the feeling is different from one person to another. Generally, you’ll feel a spike of euphoria when an anal orgasm hits you. Plus, the feeling will resonate throughout your body.

Can only gay men have a rectal orgasm?

A rectal orgasm is not for only gay men; it’s for everyone with a butthole. Straight and gay men can experience the waves of pleasure that come with rectal orgasm when the butthole is properly stimulated.

Will I be bleeding from anal sex?

There’s a chance of your anus bleeding early in your anal journey because of the butthole’s natural resistance to strange items. You shouldn’t worry if there’s only a very small amount of blood. Apply more lubes to reduce the chances of skin tears. But you should worry if there’s continuous, heavy bleeding. See a medical practitioner immediately.

Are there any risks with anal sex?

There are risks with anal sex. The butthole’s lining is thin, making it more vulnerable to damage and infections. So, there’s a risk of developing anal fissures, colon perforation and contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis B, and warts. You can prevent these problems by  using condoms, using plenty of lubes, and quitting smoking Trusted Source Anal cancer - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Anal cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that occurs in the anal canal. The anal canal is a short tube at the end of your rectum through which stool leaves your body. .

Will my asshole get loose with time?

Anal sex is generally healthy. So, there’s a slight risk of your asshole getting loose with time. As with vaginal sex, there might be leakage and prolapse over the course of a person’s lifetime, but these conditions are very rare.

Final Thoughts

There’s almost a general acceptance that there are penile, vaginal, and clitoral orgasms, but many have no idea there’s an anal orgasm. Even some people who have been practicing anal sex for a long time don’t know they can cum from anal stimulation. Whose fault? Mostly their fault. It takes extra effort to achieve anal orgasms, and you must be ready to put it.

Luckily for such people, this article has comprehensively explained how to cum from anal play. That includes using the right tools, doing the necessary preparations, and exploring various anal-friendly sex positions we’ve detailed in this guide. If you’ve been struggling to achieve butt orgasms, we hope you’ve found the help you need.


Prevalence and Correlates of Heterosexual Anal Intercourse among Men and Women, 20 U.S. Cities - PMC
Heterosexual anal intercourse (HAI) is not an uncommon behavior and it confers a higher risk of HIV transmission than vaginal intercourse. We examined data from heterosexuals recruited in 20 US cities for the 2013 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system.
Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Orientation Among Adults Aged 18–44 in the United States
This report provides national estimates of sexual behavior, sexual attraction, and sexual orientation among women and men aged 18–44 in the United States, based on the 2011–2013 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG).
The care and keeping of your vagina | OHSU
Facts about vaginal care and vulvar health from an OB/GYN.
Anal cancer - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Anal cancer is an uncommon type of cancer that occurs in the anal canal. The anal canal is a short tube at the end of your rectum through which stool leaves your body.
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