How to Use a Clit Clamp? Don’t be Afraid to Experiment

This article will help you learn how to use a clit clamp - from choosing the type of toy that will be best for you to engaging in playful scenarios
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Last updatedLast updated: October 25, 2024
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Chances are you’ve heard of clit clamps but do you know of the excitement that comes with them? Yes, clit clamps bring a lot of sexual excitement. If you’re curious about using one, help is here. Learning how to use a clit clamp requires knowing how the object works and the type of feeling it triggers.

Also, you should know that there are various types of clit clamps with different designs. Depending on their design, different clit clamp types offer varying features. So, you’ll have to know them well to decide which one you’ll go with. Besides, clit clamps can be used for both solo play and couple play, so there’s no limitation.

In this article, we will discuss everything from how to put on a clit clamp to using a clit clamp. Read on to learn all about the world of clit clamps!

What are Clit Clamps?

Clit clamps are exactly what you’ve had in mind: they clamp the clitoris. These sex toys squeeze your clit gently and apply consistent pressure to stimulate every nerve ending around. When a clit clamp squeezes your clit, it stops blood flow to that part, thus numbing it. Once the clamp is removed, blood rushes back into your clit, making the area extremely sensitive.

Trust us, stimulating the extra sensitive clit delivers incredible pleasure like you’ve never experienced. Interestingly, these sex toys are not made for only people who are into bondage play as you might have thought. People in vanilla relationships can also introduce clit clamps to spice up their sex life.

Why to use them?

In case you are not yet convinced about why clit clamps are great sex toys, we have more information for you. Without question, these clamps are an impressive foreplay accessory that any adventurous person won’t mind playing with.

With a clit clamp attached to your clit, you will have your hands free to perform other sexual activities like giving or receiving head from your partner. You can even enjoy the magic of a clit clamp when you are alone. You can attach it to your clit and masturbate your vagina using your fingers, a vibrator, or a dildo.

The fun is even greater when you detach the clit clamp because you inadvertently release blood back into your numb clit. You will feel a tingle with your clitoris becoming very sensitive. Whether you choose oral sex, your fingers, a vibrator, or your partner’s penis, you’ll enjoy any contact with your clit once the clamp is off.

It’s no surprise that many people are fond of clit clamps because they love the unique pleasure they provide them. And when you think about the fact that the clit has more than 8,000 nerve endings Trusted Source Clitbait: 10 things you didn't know about the clitoris | Sexuality | The Guardian The Glitoris is not only Amanda Palmer’s No 1 artwork in the fight against fascism, it’s also an educational tool, says Australian artist Alli Sebastian Wolf. (double the number of those in a penis), it makes even more sense that clamps are used to play with it.

Types and Design

Remember we mentioned that there are different types of clit clamps. Below, we’ll discuss everything about the various types, including how they look and how they work.


From the sound of tweezer clit clamps, you can tell what they look like: tweezers! Essentially, their design is inspired by tweezers. Tweezer clamps are designed to focus on only the clit. So, you won’t find them clipping the labia.

And you can forget about a tweezer clit clamp blocking penetration. This type of clamp is designed to allow you to have penetrative sex while still wearing it.

The Bondage Boutique Rose Gold Adjustable Clit Clamp is a good example of a clamp with a tweezer design. And it’s an impressive clamp according to many reviews, thanks to its silicone tips that provide a gentle, hypoallergenic pinch. This clamp also allows you to adjust the intensity level, giving you great control.


Crocodile clit clamps are another popular type that you’ll find on the market. They look almost exactly like tweezer clamps but they are completely adjustable with a small screw on the side. That makes them easy to use. All you need to attach a crocodile clit clamp is to squeeze it open and release it to press on your clit.

Additionally, this type of clamp is typically attached to a chain, which gives you the freedom to tug it lightly during use. This function helps you to control the pressure on your clit.

Being an easy-to-use design, beginners often favor crocodile clit clamps. Notwithstanding, they look a bit more frightening than other types but they do not hurt when used properly. In short, don’t be intimidated!

Slide to fit

Slide-to-fit clit clamps are not designed like your typical clamp. Instead, they are shaped like a long, thin “U” with a bigger loop where your clit will go. The long arms are there to clamp your labia, which isn’t very impressive. The arms will essentially get in your way if you wear the slide-to-fit clamp during intercourse.

Since intercourse is out of the question when wearing a slide-to-fit clit clamp, it’s best for playing with your clitoris. Your partner can also join the fun when you wear this type of clamp.

How to Use a Clitoral Clamp?

As we promised at the beginning of this article, we will discuss how to use a clitoral clamp below:

How to put it on

No doubt, the clit is a very delicate part of the body, which makes it very sensitive too. The clit’s delicate make-up makes it prone to inflammation, infections, and diseases. According to The Conversation, common examples are  swelling due to bruising Trusted Source Why the clitoris doesn't get the attention it deserves – and why this matters Did you know the clitoris is a large and complex organ? If not, it’s probably not your fault: in anatomical textbooks, few words and diagrams are devoted to understanding the clitoris.  or inflammation and pain of unknown origin. When not used properly, a clit clamp can cause you these unwanted problems.

Therefore, you must be careful when attaching a clamp to your clit to avoid hurting it. Firstly, test the clit clamp on a delicate part of your body like your ear lobe. That will help you to gauge how tight to cinch the clamp on your clit.

Next, apply a generous amount of lube to the clamp to ensure a pleasurable experience. The lube provides a smooth and comfortable contact on your clit. Before applying the clamp, you need to make your clit bigger by arousing it with anything that works for you. When you arouse your clit,  blood rushes to it Trusted Source Clitoral Erections: Why It Happens, How It Feels, Tips, More That’s right: Folks of all genders and genitalia can get erections! When a vulva owner gets aroused, blood rushes to the erectile tissue that makes up the clitoris, causing it to become engorged. Here’s how it works, where to touch, and more. , causing it to become engorged according to Healthline.

Besides, it’s easier to apply the clit clamp to an engorged clit. So, once you get your clit engorged, apply the clamp and tighten it gently to comfort. To avoid hurting yourself, only clamp toward the base of the clit.

Once you have attached the clit clamp, leave it on for about three to five minutes. Never leave the clamp on beyond ten minutes to avoid trouble.

Solo play

Now that you know how to wear a clit clip, you need to know how to enjoy it alone without a partner. This is where you need your sex toy arsenal to come through for you. While your clit clamp is on, you can play with your engorged clitoris using your hand or toys to stimulate it for incredible pleasure. A vibrator works best in this case.

Additionally, you can add nipple clamps to the mix to enhance the sensation. Thankfully, some clit clamps come with nipple clamps. The Fifty Shades Freed All Sensation Nipple and Clitoral Chain is a great example of such dual-purpose clamps. This product features silicone coating for comfort and uses a slide-to-fit design that offers easy pressure control.

So, you may be open to investing in the best clit clamps. If you already own a clit clamp without nipple clamps, you can look out for the best nipple clamps.

For more variations of a bondage play, we advise looking at the best anal hooks – they might look intimidating to novices yet we recommend trying them out.

Couple play

While clit clamps work for solo play, they are perfect for couple play too. They are great investments for couples who want to take their sex lives to the next level of excitement. You can wear your clit clamp and leave your partner to play with your clit, finger your vagina, or even play with your nipples.

You can even throw intercourse into the mix when your clit clamp is on. Get creative and your pleasure will have no limit.


We know that you might still have some questions that we haven’t answered. Not to worry, we’ll answer a few important questions below:

How does clit clamp feel?

A clit clamp provides your clit with gentle to intense squeezing. More specifically, the clamp feels like a pinch when worn properly. Also, it makes your clit feel throbs and full. In an ideal situation, pain is not what you feel when you use a clit clamp. In case of pain, loosen the clamp to avoid an injury.

Can I damage myself with clit clamp?

The simple answer is yes, you can damage yourself with a clit clamp. As we’ve suggested many times in this article, when you do not know how to apply a clit clamp properly, you risk over-tightening the clamp and hurting your tenders.

Final Thoughts

There’s no question that clit clamps add excitement to anyone’s sex life when applied properly. Wearing a clit clamp correctly can save you from unnecessary trouble and ensure you end up with enormous sexual pleasure. Always remember to tighten the clamp carefully when applying it and loosen it at the first sign of trouble. Better safe than sorry!

With clit clamps, there is no limit to what you can do in the bedroom. Most clamps allow you to have intercourse while wearing them. Even if you can’t have intercourse with a clamp, your partner can use toys to play with your clit. If you’re alone, your hand and toys can do wonders. Luckily for you, this article has all you need to understand how to use a clit clamp without incident.


Clitbait: 10 things you didn't know about the clitoris | Sexuality | The Guardian
The Glitoris is not only Amanda Palmer’s No 1 artwork in the fight against fascism, it’s also an educational tool, says Australian artist Alli Sebastian Wolf.
Why the clitoris doesn't get the attention it deserves – and why this matters
Did you know the clitoris is a large and complex organ? If not, it’s probably not your fault: in anatomical textbooks, few words and diagrams are devoted to understanding the clitoris.
Clitoral Erections: Why It Happens, How It Feels, Tips, More
That’s right: Folks of all genders and genitalia can get erections! When a vulva owner gets aroused, blood rushes to the erectile tissue that makes up the clitoris, causing it to become engorged. Here’s how it works, where to touch, and more.
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