Masturbation is a healthy expression of sexuality that no one should be ashamed of. While this topic has been taboo for as long as anyone can remember, it has more benefits than most people realize. However, how often do men actually masturbate? Well, the frequency can vary depending on age and relationship status, and no study includes every man on the planet. This article will explore the most accurate statistics available regarding male masturbation patterns, including how experts count the numbers, how many men masturbate, how often they do it, and the cycle of men’s sexual response.
We’ll figure out how often guys masturbate with the help of several studies and statistics that offer such information. Then we’ll discuss the results of our research below.
When experts are compiling the numbers for their statistics and figuring out the results, they first do surveys and take polls. Then they separate those numbers into age groups and even single versus married men. Then they take those numbers and turn them into percentages to give those reading their results the most accurate counts possible.
Of course, no study includes every male on the planet, so there is some guesswork involved. For instance, if 1000 men are asked if they masturbate and 846 say yes, the study would show that 84.6% of men masturbate since those are the closest results possible without polling the entire population.
Most studies are also regional, so the numbers will likely be for a specific country. For this article, we’ll be focusing on the statistics of American men, though it should be said that the numbers in other countries could vary.
Though many people believe that every single man on the planet feels the urge to masturbate frequently, this isn’t the case. In fact, studies show that only 92% of American men admit to pleasuring themselves. It isn’t just single men that do it, either. Men of all ages enjoy self-gratification, regardless of their relationship status.
For those wondering how often males masturbate, there is no quick and easy answer. The reason for this is that the frequency at which men touch themselves can vary over the years. For instance, in the study Trusted SourcePrevalence, frequency, and associations of masturbation with partnered sexual behaviors among US adolescents - PubMed Sexual development is a dynamic process during adolescence, and masturbation is an enduring component of sexuality. Fundamental differences appear to exist between male and female sexual expression. Health care providers should recognize that many teens masturbate and discuss masturbation with patie … , 62.6% of 14-year-old males report having masturbated at least once, while 80% of males aged 17 years claim to have masturbated. The frequency was also higher in the older group of teenagers, with 67.6% having masturbated within the last month compared to 42.9% in the 14-year-olds.
Men aged 18 to 29 also vary in numbers, with 20% reporting that they masturbate 2 to 3 times per week and 20% claiming to masturbate 4 times each week. Another 25.4% masturbate about once per week, and 14.7% only touch themselves a few times a year. So, as you can see, there is no average number since the frequency varies from man to man.
As men age, their need or interest in self-gratification tends to become more infrequent. In fact, 10.1% of men between the ages of 60 and 69 report masturbating 2 to 3 times a week, while only 7.3% of men 70 years and older make the same claim.
The numbers for more frequent masturbation are even lower, with only 3.8% of men aged 60 to 69 reporting that they masturbate 4 times a week and a shockingly low 1.7% of men 70 and older claiming the same frequency.
The cycle of a healthy man’s sexual response Trusted SourcePhysiology of male sexual function - PubMed The male sexual response cycle consists of excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. The initial event, penile erection, is produced by arteriolar dilatation and increased blood flow to the erectile tissue of the penis. Erection is a reflex response initiated by visual, olfactory, or imaginative … follows the same pattern each time, including excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Let’s take a closer look at each of these stages. Before any type of arousal, the man’s member is flaccid. When arousal is initiated, the erectile tissue is flooded with blood, causing the penis to become large, hard, and much more sensitive. The testes also expand while the scrotum tightens against the man’s body.
The plateau stage occurs when the penis is fully erect, which also triggers the release of pre-ejaculate, which is a form of self-lubrication. At this point, physical stimulation usually takes place in the form of masturbation or intercourse if the male is with a partner. That stimulation leads to an orgasm, which includes muscle contractions at the penis base and the release of sperm and fluid.
The last stage, resolution, occurs after orgasm and includes the softening of the penis as the blood flows out of it again and the erection disappears. After this sexual response cycle, it takes anywhere from a few minutes to several hours before the cycle can begin again.
When men masturbate, it’s likely they aren’t thinking about anything other than how much they’re enjoying the stimulation. Regardless of whether they are aware of it or not, there are a few health benefits from masturbation. Let’s take a look at the possible health benefits touching yourself may have to offer.
Like many other medical conditions, prostate cancer is related to genetics. Of course, your bloodline isn’t the only factor that determines whether you’ll get this disease. Though it may sound strange, masturbation is believed to affect the risk of prostate cancer and can even affect the severity of the disease.
For instance, there is no evidence that frequent ejaculation can increase the likelihood of developing prostate cancer, though how often you touch yourself may actually reduce the risk significantly
It’s also been noted that ejaculating at least 5 times a week in their 20s can reduce the likelihood of males developing aggressive prostate cancer later in life. Of course, ejaculation doesn’t necessarily mean masturbation only, so having intercourse with a partner will have the same results. For single men or those with no steady partner, the more you touch yourself, the higher the chances are that you’ll avoid this disease.
Stress is a part of life that can’t always be avoided. It comes from our jobs, financial situation, and even our loved ones. Though you can’t get away from the stress you need to deal with now and then, there are ways to reduce it, and masturbation is one of them.
The main stress hormone is called cortisol and it is released when we become agitated. When you touch yourself in a positive and enjoyable way, the body releases dopamine, which is the hormone related to pleasure. The dopamine counters the cortisol, lowering its levels. When orgasms occur, the hormone oxytocin is released as well, which drops those cortisol levels even more.
There are also ways that you can increase the enjoyment of masturbation for a more pleasurable experience. Some men enjoy the use of sex toys to increase pleasure and improve their fantasies. The best automatic masturbators are great options for this since they do much of the work for you, with varying intensities and patterns to pick from.
The result of masturbation is reduced stress and anxiety, leaving you relaxed and feeling fantastic. You may also be able to work through what’s causing your stress and come up with ways to reduce it. Lower stress levels also make it easier to sleep, which ensures you’ll wake rested and ready to face any of the challenges life throws your way.
Technically speaking, masturbation is a form of exercise, so regularly touching yourself is a healthy way to maintain your figure. Of course, masturbation can’t offer body toning on its own. Other forms of exercise should be included in your routine. Eating healthy, balanced meals is also an essential part of staying trim and fit. Don’t expect significant results from masturbation alone or you’ll likely be disappointed in the results. The more you do it, the more calories you’ll burn, so don’t feel bad if you enjoy frequent rounds of self-gratification.
As we mentioned above, 92% of men have admitted to masturbating, so you have to assume that a significant number of married men are touching themselves between intercourse sessions with their partners. It’s even possible that married men masturbate more often than single men, depending on certain factors.
For instance, pregnant women or those who have just given birth could be unable to have sex. The lack of sex can cause an increase in masturbation frequency in married men. Other issues that could cause higher masturbation numbers in married men could include an ill partner or one who is unavailable due to long-distance relationships or travel. Even a partner with a low sex drive can cause a married man to use masturbation to meet their own needs.
How often a married man masturbates varies, depending on his partner’s sex drive and how satisfied he is with their sex life. Men whose partners have high sex drives don’t need to touch themselves as often as long as the intercourse is giving them the satisfaction they need.
Unfortunately, even frequent sex can’t fulfill every man’s needs if he isn’t getting the enjoyment he’s craving when he’s with his partner. If something is lacking in this area, married men masturbate more frequently than those with fulfilling sex lives with their partners.
Also, as we mentioned above, when a partner isn’t available for sex for any reason, men will likely touch themselves more often than they would if their partner was able and willing to join them in the bedroom.
There isn’t a lot of information available when it comes to men using assisted masturbation, which can include asking their spouse to perform a handjob on them or coming in at the end to finish them off. It’s likely that men who add their partners into their masturbation sessions have already discussed such escapades with their spouses and have incorporated these activities into their other bedroom activities
Married men are much more likely to keep their masturbation sessions to themselves. Those that do add a partner to the mix likely need to prepare beforehand, including getting the right lube. For the top options on the market, you can check out the best lubes for handjobs, which come with varying ingredients and bases for the perfect feel. You can also try the DOC JOHNSON TiitanMem lubricant, which can be used for hand and oral play and is water-based to prevent stained sheets.
In a week, the average man masturbates between 2 to 3 times, regardless of their age. Of course, fewer men do so as they age, with men between the ages of 25 to 29 having the highest percentage at about 23.4%.
Regular masturbation shouldn’t cause premature ejaculation. In fact, touching yourself an hour before having sex with a partner can help you maintain control when actually having intercourse. There are even some masturbation aids that can help improve your stamina. If you’d like to try out one of these toys, check out the best Fleshlights, which come in several styles and inner textures to improve your performance while offering the pleasure you’re craving.
A healthy male body will always be producing sperm, so no amount of masturbation will put a stop to that. The only time your sperm count may be affected is immediately after ejaculation. When this happens, it takes time for the body to produce enough sperm to replace what’s left the body. At this time, the sperm count may be lower than usual, though this is only temporary, so it’s nothing to worry about.
How many calories masturbation burns depends on a few factors. For instance, the longer the session, the more calories you’re body is burning, even when you’re enjoying a long, leisurely session. Of course, a long frantic session will obviously burn more calories than a slow, relaxed one. A faster heartbeat turns your self-gratification into a cardio workout.
Though it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact number of calories burned every time you masturbate, it’s believed to be about 70. This is about the same amount that you’d burn if you’re briskly walking a mile, so it isn’t too bad. The more often you masturbate, the more calories you’ll burn in the most entertaining way possible.
If you’re trying to use masturbation as a calorie-burning exercise, there are ways to increase your stamina. You can try using toys to help you last longer. The Tenga Geo is double-sided, so you can use one side for longer sessions and the other to get you off hard and fast, giving you the perfect workout, no matter your mood.
Whether masturbation affects male testosterone levels depends on the frequency at which you’re touching yourself. The average man’s masturbation patterns likely will have little to no effect on the level of testosterone in his body. Men who touch themselves excessively, such as masturbating several times a day instead of a few times each week, may notice a drop in their testosterone levels. For this reason, it’s best to touch yourself in moderation to avoid the loss of this essential male hormone.
As we mentioned above, a healthy man will always be producing semen, so withholding it doesn’t have any benefits in most cases. There is one instance when you may want to practice semen retention, though. Retaining semen, either by having dry orgasms or not masturbating at all, could improve sperm count and semen volume Trusted SourceIs Ejaculation Frequency in Men Related to General and Mental Health? Looking Back and Looking Forward - PMC Despite its relevance for human sexuality, literature on potential effects of ejaculation frequency and masturbation on general and mental health outcomes is sparse. Reasons for this knowledge gap include a general lack of interest, but also methodological challenges and still existing superstition. , which may result in faster pregnancies for those trying to conceive.  Of course, these numbers plateau after a few days, so prolonged semen retention offers no notable change. Those not trying to conceive a child with a partner won’t see any benefit to retaining their semen.
Despite the stigma attached to masturbation, a male enjoying self-gratification is nothing to be ashamed of. Almost all men do so at some point, with a few taking pleasure in themselves more frequently than others. There are few risks for those who don’t resort to excessive or compulsive behavior. In fact, masturbation can actually have a few benefits, like reduced stress levels, better sleep habits, and a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
Masturbation can also help men connect with their own bodies, learning more about themselves and what turns them on. Not only does this improve their masturbation sessions, but it can also make sex with a partner more enjoyable and long-lasting. Whether using toys or putting your hand to work, masturbation is a fantastic way to nurture your sexuality.