5 Best Deep Throat Sprays – Gag Reflex Is Not a Problem! (Fall 2022)

Here, we review the best deep throat sprays and explain how to use them in more detail.
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Last updatedLast updated: September 07, 2024
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Deep throating became a must try sexual technique after the infamous 1970s film, but it can cause problems with your gag reflex, which you can alleviate with deep throat spray.

In our quest to find the best deep throat spray options, our team has evaluated the active ingredients and overall effectiveness of the products. However, we’ve also looked at other criteria including the design of the nozzle, the packaging and even the net weight of the bottles, which impact the form and functionality of the spray. Of course, we’ve also checked out the flavors, as no one wants a bad tasting throat spray.

We’ve assessed all of these factors to rank the best deep throat spray options to help you to make an informed purchase decision for your bedroom adventures.

Top 5 Deep Throat Sprays Review 2022

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Features & Benefits
Based on our product testing team's experience
  • Active ingredient: Benzocaine 5%
  • Size: 4 oz.
  • Flavor: mint

Other features: numbing, edible, scented

The Passion Deep Throat sex spray has a refreshing minty flavor that creates a light numbing effect to reduce the sensation on the back of your throat. This is an easy-to-use product that provides a numbing sensation within minutes.

This is a great product for those who are new to these types of products. It doesn’t have a weird and wonderful flavor: it is just refreshingly minty. You don’t need to worry about complicated instructions, simply spray three or four times and it will take effect.

Why is it special?

  • What we liked about this product is the simple minty flavor. Many products have fruity or weird flavors that may not be to everyone’s taste, but mint is a universal flavor in oral hygiene products. This means that it should appeal to everyone.

What are the flaws?

  • What could be better is how long it remains effective. While it tends to numb the throat within a few minutes, this will wear off quite quickly. So, you need to be prepared to reapply if you’re planning on a long, steamy session.
Consumer Engagement
Chosen by 7836 people in the past 30 days
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Features & Benefits
Based on our product testing team's experience
  • Active ingredient: Benzocaine 5%, Glycerine 33%
  • Size: 2 oz.
  • Flavor: strawberry, mint, cherry

Other features: extended nozzle, cruelty-free

Doc Johnson Good Head spray is a fast acting and one of the best deep throat numbing spray options on the market. It is effective for approximately 10 minutes with a short nozzle that offers a more spread-out spray distribution compared to long nozzle formats.

This will be the best gag reflex spray for you if you intend to reapply during the action. It is fast acting, making it easy to spray once or twice if you start to feel the effects wearing off, without interrupting the mood.

What are its best features?

  • What we liked about this product is the flavor options. This is the strawberry flavor, which tastes sweet and fruity, but it is also available in mint and cherry varieties. So, if you enjoy the effects of this spray, you can find the best flavor for your preferences.

What could be improved?

  • What could be better is that it is a very sweet spray, which some users may find a little sickly tasting. It does taste a little like cough syrup. However, if the strawberry is not to your tastes, there are other flavor options.
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Chosen by 6711 people in the past 30 days
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Features & Benefits
Based on our product testing team's experience
  • Active ingredient: Lidocaine 4%
  • Size: 1 oz.
  • Flavor: fruity

Other features: smells like cotton candy, pump spray, made in USA

This Adam & Eve is one of the best anti gag spray options. With just two or three sprays, you will start to feel the effects within a matter of seconds. This means that the one-ounce bottle will be sufficient for up to 500 sprays, making it great value for money.

This is a great product for those who want a quick and long-lasting spray. The bottle has a smart design nozzle that directs the spray to the throat rather than coating the sides of the cheeks. With a single application, you should feel the effects within 15 seconds, yet your throat will be numbed for up to 30 minutes.

What are its best features?

  • What we liked about this product are the fast acting effects. When you’re getting into the mood, there is nothing worse than needing to wait up to ten minutes until you start to feel the effects. This means that if you want to enjoy an impromptu quickie, this is the product for you.

What could be improved?

  • What could be better is the actual flavor. While it has a pleasant cotton candy aroma, it doesn’t have this taste. This can be a little disconcerting, as you would expect a sweet candy flavor and the taste is actually a little unpalatable.
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Chosen by 9557 people in the past 30 days
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Features & Benefits
Based on our product testing team's experience
  • Active ingredient: Lidocaine 5%, Glycerine 34%
  • Size: 1 oz.
  • Flavor: refreshing mint

Other features: also comes with sexy cinnamon flavor

The Pro Blo spray has a refreshing minty flavor that can desensitize your gag reflex, while keeping your breath kissable. It’s fast acting and easy to use. With two or three sprays into your throat, within minutes you’ll notice the numbing effect.

This product is designed for ease of use. You can keep the discreet bottle on hand and it only takes a couple of sprays to be effective. This makes it easy to use mid passion session or before you get started.

What makes it stand out?

  • What we liked most about this product is the classic flavors. There are two flavor options, mint or a cinnamon flavor. Both of these flavors are palatable, unlike many of the sickly sweet flavored sprays on the market today that can be unpalatable.

Which disadvantages must you keep in mind?

  • What could be better is the package labeling. The spray takes effect almost immediately, but if you start having fun straight away, you risk making your partner numb. While this may make for a funny moment, it can certainly be a mood breaker. For the record, wait about five minutes.
Consumer Engagement
Chosen by 9762 people in the past 30 days
Customer Feedback
Based on cross-platform reviews
Brand Reputation
Based on web analytics & content of negative reviews
Features & Benefits
Based on our product testing team's experience
  • Active ingredient: Benzocaine 5%
  • Size: 4 oz.
  • Flavor: mint

Other features: made in the USA

The Master Series Frozen Deep Throat is an effective spray that delivers a numbing sensation for approximately 15 minutes. It has a mint flavor that is a little muted compared to many other sprays on the market, so if you’re not a fan of strong flavors it may appeal to you.

This is one of the best deep throat spray options if you have concerns about lingering sensations. While the spray may last approximately 15 minutes, after it wears off your mouth will return to normal without any lingering effects. So, you don’t need to worry about that been to the dentist feeling.

What do we love it for?

  • What we liked most about this product is the numbing sensation produced. The effects are a little muted compared to other sprays, particularly lidocaine products. This is great for those new to this type of product who have concerns about the numbing sensations.

What were we disappointed with?

  • What could be better is the nozzle. There is a learning curve to using the nozzle, as you are likely to numb just your tongue the first few times you use it. If the nozzle can’t be improved, the instructions could be better.

Things to Consider

In this handy guide we’ll cover all the essentials you need to keep in mind when choosing the ideal deep throat spray.

Over 78% of Americans own at least one sex toy. Trusted Source The State of Sex Toys + Industry Statistics This report provides a comprehensive walk-through of how the sex toy industry looks today, the public opinion towards it, and sex toy ownership and use. bedbible.com . It’s only logical to expand your collection to some other handy accs and products – including the “exotic” deep throat spray. With so many products on the market, it can be a little tricky to determine which is the best deep throat spray for you.

What Is a Deep Throat Spray?

According to Men’s Health Trusted Source Deep Throating: How a BDSM Sex Act Entered the Most Vanilla Bedrooms Pop culture and porn have helped make deep throating ubiquitous, but do those who do it recognize how hardcore the act actually is? www.menshealth.com magazine, Deep throating has become more common in the bedroom. However, if you want to try this hardcore oral sex move, you may need to consider your gag reflex. This is where deep throat sprays can help.

Essentially, these sprays contain a numbing agent that can numb the sensation in your throat to suppress your gag reflex. The numbing agent dampens the gag reflex, so you can give deeper oral sex. However, the spray does not eliminate your gag reflex completely. So, you won’t be able to perform stunning porn star moves without batting an eyelid, but you should feel more comfortable and confident to please your partner.

Pros and Cons of Deep Throat Sprays

The main benefit of deep throat sprays is suppressing the gag reflex. But be aware of the flavor and active ingredients to avoid allergic reactions!

As with any product, there are both pros and cons associated with deep throat sprays. It is important to be aware of these before you make your purchase decision.

The Pros

  • You will be able to relax your throat for deeper oral sex
  • The sprays can have a nice flavor which gives you nice breath for kissing and play
  • Each product has a different amount of time you’ll feel numb, so you can find one for your preferences

The Cons

  • May not be suitable for everyone, as some people may be sensitive to the active ingredients
  • Some flavors are unpalatable
  • Some products can numb the tongue, particularly if the nozzle is poorly designed

How to Pick the Best Deep Throat Spray

When shopping for the best deep throat spray, there are several factors to consider. This will help you to make an informed purchase decision about which product is best for you.


While it may seem inconsequential, the design of the bottle and more specifically the nozzle can have a massive impact on how comfortable the spray is to use. Some products, like the Doc Johnson Good Head spray, have a short nozzle that is easier to use. However, a wider spray disbursement can cause issues, as you may numb your cheeks and tongue, giving you a been to the dentist feeling.

Active Ingredients

All deep throat sprays have an active ingredient that delivers the numbing effect. This is usually benzocaine or lidocaine.

Just as with dental products, lidocaine tends to be stronger, but this can create issues for those who don’t want a completely numb feeling. Benzocaine products tend to have a more muted numbing effect that some may prefer.


This is a matter of personal preference, but it will make a massive difference to how you enjoy using the product. If you’re not a fan of super sweet flavors, you may wish to avoid the fruity varieties and stick to mint or classic flavors such as cinnamon, as is available with Pro Blo. Consider what type of flavor mouthwash, toothpaste, and gum you prefer, and use this to influence your decision about deep throat sprays.

Size and Net Weight

When considering the best deep throat spray options, you should also look at the size of the bottle and the number of sprays per dose. This will help you assess the value for money. For example, while the Adam & Eve spray only has a one-ounce bottle, you can get up to 500 sprays. Other bottles may be larger, but if you have to use more than one or two sprays, you may find it will not offer as many uses as the smaller bottle.


This may not appear a major consideration, but a good product will have packaging that clearly states the instructions and recommended dosage. You don’t want to have to hunt around for an instruction leaflet just as you’re gearing up for the throws of passion. Bear in mind that if you don’t follow the recommendations carefully, you could end up making your partner numb.

How to Use a Deep Throat Spray

When using the spray, open your mouth widely and aim the nozzle directly to the back of your throat. Otherwise, you may numb your tongue and cheeks as well.

All the various sprays will have specific instructions for usage, but the general principles are the same.

Firstly, before you spray, ensure you open your mouth widely. Bear in mind that if you miss your throat when you spray, you could end up with a numb tongue and cheeks. Aim the nozzle so that you can direct the spray directly to the back of your throat. As we touched on above, some sprays have a nozzle that may work better for you to hit your sweet spot.

Most products are strong enough so one or two sprays will be sufficient to last throughout a session. Most sprays last up to 15 minutes, but some sprays do wear off after a few minutes and you will need to reapply. If you find the spray has stopped working before completion, it is typically safe to use another spray. However, it is important to read the packaging beforehand, so you will know how many sprays you can safely use in a day. For example, Doc Johnson states that you can use its sprays up to four times in one day.

Safety Tips

As with any product that you ingest, it is important to check the ingredients list on the specific product to check that you have not got a sensitivity or reaction to any ingredients, particularly the active ingredients.

If you’ve had benzocaine or lidocaine at your dentist’s office and had any adverse reactions, be sure to find a spray that uses a different active ingredient.

Additionally, if you have a history of any breathing issues or problems, such as asthma, you should check with your healthcare professional before use. Your doctor will be able to advise you if a spray which can numb the throat, and potentially make it more challenging to breathe is safe for you to use.


Deep throat sprays to provide a numbing sensation, but if they “really work” will depend on your expectations. The spray cannot completely numb the throat as this would compromise your breathing, so you may not be able to perform porn star worthy technique.

Each type of throat spray does contain an active ingredient, which is a local anesthetic. You’ll need to check the instructions for specifics on how much you can safely use. If you spray too much, you could not only numb parts of your mouth, but could be at risk of adverse effects.

These products are designed for ingestion, so if you accidentally swallow a little of the spray, you should not notice any adverse effects. At worst, you may experience some tingling in your throat and mouth or a minor stomach upset.

Our Verdict

As we’ve demonstrated, there are some excellent deep throat sprays on the market today. From the powerful Adam & Eve spray that can last up to 30 minutes to the fruity flavors and fast action of the Doc Johnson Good Head spray. However, our stand out pick as the best deep throat spray has to be our editor’s choice, the Passion Deep Throat sex spray.

This product has a refreshing minty flavor and provides a light numbing effect. It starts to work within a few minutes and is easy to reapply if necessary during your session, with two or three sprays. It has a simple minty flavor that creates universal appeal. It is supplied in a four-ounce bottle, with an easy-to-use nozzle so you should have plenty of product for all your sexual adventures with the minimum of fuss.


The State of Sex Toys + Industry Statistics
This report provides a comprehensive walk-through of how the sex toy industry looks today, the public opinion towards it, and sex toy ownership and use.
Deep Throating: How a BDSM Sex Act Entered the Most Vanilla Bedrooms
Pop culture and porn have helped make deep throating ubiquitous, but do those who do it recognize how hardcore the act actually is?
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